In all likelihood, the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about a law firm is some straitlaced lawyers, much more interested in getting their fees, than in turning your case into a victory. Well, if such is the case, you will definitely be pleasantly surprised with our law firm.
Once you have called on our services, we guarantee you will become our loyal client; and this thanks to the fact that we treat our clients as long-term partners. You will discover in us a team of people that combines experience and expertise with the new generation’s enthusiasm and a pleasurable and relaxed work environment.
Servicii oferite
Activitatea Poppa Avocati este axata atat pe acordarea de consultanta juridica persoanelor juridice şi persoanelor fizice cat si pe reprezentarea acestora in litigii, in fata instantelor judecatoresti sau arbitrale, române sau străine.
Poppa Avocati acorda, in prezent, asistenta juridica in regim de permanenta unor societati comerciale mari, acoperind...
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